Blog Posts
Postgresql Docker Image with Seeded Data
Recently, I decided that one of my goals for 2019 was to familiarize myself more with Docker. I've been exposed to using Docker for the past couple of years, but I don't use it on a day to day basis.
Update - Ruby Gem Dockerfile with Alpine Linux
I realized that we are always using Ruby Alpine images, and not the base Ruby image. I wanted to standardize the Dockerfiles I had written at work and here for the blog so I decided to look into what it would take to do so.
Adding a Test Environment to the Active Record Rake Tasks Gem
Set up a testing environment that can be run locally and in a repeatable fashion for continuous integration
Adding Rails G Migration To a Gem - Following Code To Re-Implement Functionality
The process I went through to figure out what was needed; I believe it is good exercise in understanding how to follow code to and understanding what it takes to re-implement functionality.
Adding ActiveRecord Rake Tasks to a Gem
Instead of having to create a Rails application and install the gem to connect to the database to test your models, we can create local database for only the gem by adding ActiveRecord's Rake tasks.
Connect To Another Rails Application's Database Through A Gem
I was recently thinking about system design, specifically the monolithic vs microservices approaches and how applications can talk to each other.
Getting Started - Another Attempt at Blogging
A new year, a new attempt at blogging!