Jeremy Kreutzbender
Product Engineer
Hello from Portland, OR and welcome to my website! My software journey currently has me learning as much as I can about delivering great user experiences through product engineering.
Latest Blog Posts
Using PostgreSQL Functions with Rocicorp's Zero and Ruby on Rails
Zero updates our database directly from the UI and we can't rely on callbacks like 'before_save' when using it. Let's explore different ways to manage data requirements.
Setting up Rocicorp's Zero with Ruby on Rails
Rocicorp's Zero is a sync engine to power extremely fast UI applications. I decided to pair it with Ruby on Rails and wanted to share how I got everything working.
Adding Google OAuth in Rails 8
Rails 8 added an authentication generator, but what if we want to use Google OAuth? I decided to implement it using the oauth2 gem and share what I learned.
Adding Filenames To MDX Code Blocks with Next.js MDX Components
I've wanted to add filenames to my inline code blocks since I built this blog. I finally did it and got the styling just how I wanted!
Adding Email Address Verification in Rails 8
Rails 8 added an authentication generator, but it stopped short of creating User records and verifying their email address. I decided to build it and share what I learned.