Using PostgreSQL Functions with Rocicorp's Zero and Ruby on Rails

Published on 2025-02-07

As a long time Rails developer, I've relied on data flowing from the UI to the Rails server, through an ActiveRecord Model, and finally into the database. That flow allows for transformation of data at the Model layer through the use of callbacks like before_save. However, when using Zero we can make changes to our database directly from the UI. This means that these changes will never flow through our ActiveRecord Models and we won't have access to callbacks; that presents a bit of a divergence from the typical Rails way. An example from the project I've been working on is that my User table has first_name and last_name columns as well as a full_name column. I wanted full_name to be a compound of first_name and last_name so let's walk through some different ways that can be achieved, first by using a before_save callback, second using PostgreSQL Generated Columns, and finally creating a PostgreSQL Function using the fx gem.

before_save Example#

To set the stage of what we're trying to accomplish, let's start out with an example using before_save. This should look very familiar to everyone.

before_save :set_full_name


def set_full_name
assign_attributes(full_name: "#{first_name} #{last_name}")
before_save :set_full_name


def set_full_name
assign_attributes(full_name: "#{first_name} #{last_name}")

This approach is simple, effective and works great if every data change always flows through our User model. However, if someone where to connect to the database directly and issue the following command then our full_name column would be out of sync.

UPDATE users SET first_name = 'Blog' WHERE id = '1';
UPDATE users SET first_name = 'Blog' WHERE id = '1';

It's unlikely that someone is going to use this manual approach to update data, but there is a chance! However, we want to use Zero and this is exactly how Zero will update the data. Next, let's look at an example where we defer computing full_name to the database itself.

PostgreSQL Generated Column Example#

From the Generated Columns documentation linked above we can see that a generated column is an option for our task.

A generated column is a special column that is always computed from other columns. Thus, it is for columns what a view is for tables. There are two kinds of generated columns: stored and virtual. A stored generated column is computed when it is written (inserted or updated) and occupies storage as if it were a normal column. A virtual generated column occupies no storage and is computed when it is read. Thus, a virtual generated column is similar to a view and a stored generated column is similar to a materialized view (except that it is always updated automatically). PostgreSQL currently implements only stored generated columns.

Rails supports adding stored columns through migrations as a keyword argument. Let's go ahead and create one to understand how it works.

class AddGeneratedFullName < ActiveRecord::Migration[8.0]
def change
add_column :users, :full_name, :string,
as: "first_name || ' ' || last_name",
stored: true,
null: false
class AddGeneratedFullName < ActiveRecord::Migration[8.0]
def change
add_column :users, :full_name, :string,
as: "first_name || ' ' || last_name",
stored: true,
null: false

Now when we create or update a row on the users table, whether we're using our User model or applying changes directly with SQL statements, we can be sure that the full_name column will properly be set. We would hope this article ends here as this approach is very succinct and accomplishes our task, unfortunately there is a very big problem when pairing this with Zero. At the very bottom of the Generated Columns documentation, there is this statement.

Generated columns are skipped for logical replication and cannot be specified in a CREATE PUBLICATION column list.

That is a big issue because the logical replication is how Zero extracts data from our primary database. I'm not entirely sure why this isn't possible but if we Google why aren't generated columns replicated in postgresql, we can see that there are many people who have asked the same question. With that knowledge, let's move on to our final example of how to accomplish our task.

fx Gem Example#

Our final example is using the fx gem. From the README, we can see it helps us with managing functions and triggers via migrations.

F(x) adds methods to ActiveRecord::Migration to create and manage database functions and triggers in Rails.

Let's explore how we can use it to accomplish generating our full_name column. We start by adding the fx gem and using it to generate a migration and function .sql file.

gem "fx"
gem "fx"
$ rails generate fx:function generate_full_name
$ rails generate fx:function generate_full_name

The migration will be filled in for us by fx and ready to use.

class CreateFunctionGenerateFullName < ActiveRecord::Migration[8.0]
def change
create_function :generate_full_name
class CreateFunctionGenerateFullName < ActiveRecord::Migration[8.0]
def change
create_function :generate_full_name

However the .sql file will be completely empty; I've gone ahead and written the function.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION generate_full_name()
RETURNS trigger AS $$
NEW.full_name = TRIM(CONCAT(NEW.first_name, ' ', NEW.last_name));
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION generate_full_name()
RETURNS trigger AS $$
NEW.full_name = TRIM(CONCAT(NEW.first_name, ' ', NEW.last_name));
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

generate_full_name is a generic function that will concatenate the first_name and last_name columns into a full_name column that can be used on any table. This function currently isn't being used though, we need to create a trigger function to set it up for use on the users table. fx provides this functionality as well.

$ rails generate fx:trigger users_full_name table_name:users
$ rails generate fx:trigger users_full_name table_name:users

Again, the migration will be filled in for us by fx and ready to use.

class CreateTriggerUsersFullName < ActiveRecord::Migration[8.0]
def up
create_trigger :set_users_full_name, on: :users
class CreateTriggerUsersFullName < ActiveRecord::Migration[8.0]
def up
create_trigger :set_users_full_name, on: :users

The .sql file will again be empty. I've gone ahead and filled it with a trigger function that will call the generate_full_name function anytime we create a new row on the users table or we update the first_name or last_name column of an existing row.

UPDATE OF first_name, last_name
ON users FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION generate_full_name();
UPDATE OF first_name, last_name
ON users FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION generate_full_name();

This approach took a few more steps and a bit more code, but fx did a lot of the heavy lifting. Remember that all this code can now be checked in under version control so that it is easy to view and maintain moving forward. Best of all, functions and triggers are fully supported by Zero so this is my suggested solution to solving this problem!

fx Function Updates and Versioning#

Having version controlled database functions is why fx is so valuable. In the last section, the filenames created for the functions all ended with v01.sql. fx has functionality to create updates to those functions where a v02.sql file will be generated as well as a migration to update the database to use the newer version of the function. Refer to the section of the README, Cool, but what if I need to change a trigger or function? to learn more. I wanted to highlight this feature because it makes managing the lifecycle of the functions so much easier when all the changes can be seen in code and reviewed by colleagues.

Zero Custom Mutators#

At the time of writing this, custom mutators have not shipped, but the premise behind them is that Zero will optimistically update the UI with any changes and then send an API call with the change payload to our application server. In theory this means that the UI will update immediately and then we'll actually write the data into the database through our ActiveRecord Model, allowing for use of a before_save callback. For our full_name column, I could see writing a custom mutator for a User profile page where they're allowed to edit their name and avoiding the PostgreSQL functions all together. The upside of this functionality is it gives us application developers multiple options to solve the same problem, which is always a good thing. The downside is that if we allow a User to update their name in multiple locations, we'll have to remember to use a custom mutator each time.

To read more about custom mutators, check out this Introducting Zero document and search for the 'Custom Mutators' section.


I hope this helped shed on light on a new approach to managing data requirements when we have deviate from using ActiveRecord callbacks. I'm pretty excited for this workflow of managing the functions with the fx gem and I'm already starting to plan out how to build an audit log, similar to the paper_trail gem. I'll get a post written up about that work once it has been completed.

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