Essentially we're allowing people to gain a connection to the server, but we want to reject their subscriptions if they are not authorized to view a certain channel. I noticed that the gem didn't support this.
Run options: include {:focus=>true}
All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}
Randomized with seed 18484
with empty WebSocketClient
sets the callback
sets the callback
sets subscribed to false
is not a ping
yields whatever
does not call _pinged_callback
is a welcome
calls _connected_callback
is a rejection
calls _rejected_callback
is a ping
nothing is yielded
calls _pinged_callback
empty messages are ignored
dont yield
once the callback is set, receiving a subscription confirmation invokes the callback
sets the callback
sends a message
asks EventMachine to reconnect on same host and port
fires EventMachine::WebSocket::Client #post_init
dispatches the message
does not add to the queue
calls sends when subscribed
does not send if not subscribed
sets the callback
is a ping
is not a ping when it is a confirmation
is not a ping
is a subscribtion confirmation
requires a proper channel name
initializes with a channel name
builds the identifier based off the channel name
creates a message
returns a constructed hash, given a message
returns a constructed hash, given empty message
sets the attributes
when data is present
double the identifier and the data if the value would be 0
double the identifier and the data if the value would be 1
double the identifier and the data if the value would be #<Object:0x00007fd20ee26868>
double the identifier and the data if the value would be [nil]
double the identifier and the data if the value would be "a"
double the identifier and the data if the value would be {nil=>0}
double the identifier and the data if the value would be true
double the identifier and the data if the value would be 2020-01-31 10:32:09 -0800
when data is not prsent
does not set :data if the value would be {}
does not set :data if the value would be " "
does not set :data if the value would be " \n\t \r "
does not set :data if the value would be " "
does not set :data if the value would be " "
does not set :data if the value would be []
does not set :data if the value would be nil
does not set :data if the value would be ""
does not set :data if the value would be false
Finished in 0.02507 seconds (files took 0.41653 seconds to load)
49 examples, 0 failures
Randomized with seed 18484
Coverage report generated for RSpec to /Users/jeremy/workspace/jer-k/action_cable_client/coverage. 179 / 184 LOC (97.28%) covered.